VI International scientific and practical conference



Moscow, October 20-21, 2021


Сonference partners: «All-Russian Organization of Parents of Disabled Children», «All-Russian Society of the Deaf», «All-Russian Society of the Blind», «Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education», «Tyumen State University», Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia, «Persektiva», RCOO Center for Curative Pedagogy, Association of Inclusive Universities, Association of Inclusive Schools, Naked Heart Foundation for Children and Youth, Our Sunny World Center, Autism Problems Center ANO, Contact NGO, Galchonok Children Aid Fund , Center for Sociocultural Animation "Spiritualization", Charitable Foundation "Equality of Opportunities", RPO "Krug", GC "Istok Audio".

Since 2011, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Inclusive Education" has been an expert platform for discussing topical problems of the development of inclusive education in our country.

The consistent implementation of the idea of ​​sustainable development requires the expansion of forms of civic participation and the restructuring of social institutions based on the principles of inclusion, extended to all aspects of society, including education, economy, social sphere, and culture. The conference is expected to discuss, analyze, and compare the development of inclusive education and civil society institutions in the regions of Russia and different countries.

The purpose of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "INCLUSIVE EDUCATION AND SOCIETY: STRATEGIES, PRACTICES, RESOURCES" is to discuss the main strategies for the development of an inclusive process and successful practices of inclusion in national education, to combine the efforts of science, practice and the public in the development of an inclusive process, scientific discussion of theoretical and methodological foundations of social and educational inclusion.

Experts, scientists, researchers, heads of educational organizations and teachers who implement inclusive education are invited to participate in the conference; students, postgraduates and undergraduates; representatives of public organizations that solve problems of social and educational inclusion, parents and representatives of parental communities.


Directions of the conference:

  1. Inclusion and global challenges of the 21st century
  2. Trajectories of the development of inclusive education in the post-Soviet space: 30 years of experience in educational reforms in independent states
  3. Civic participation and involvement of parents in the development of education
  4. How to design an inclusive school
  5. Professional profile of the teacher of inclusive education, training models and curricula
  6. Designing an inclusive educational environment and universal design in teaching
  7. Inclusive educational vertical: technologies and practices in preschool, general and vocational education
  8. Inclusive potential of modern society: education and the labor market


The conference will be held in a mixed format: in person and remotely using an online platform.

The working languages ​​of the conference are Russian and English.

To participate in the conference, all participants need to register on the website Registration deadline is October 15, 2021.

As a result of the conference, a collection of articles will be published, which is registered in the Scientific Electronic Library The collection is assigned library indexes UDC, BBK and the international standard book number ISBN. Requirements for publications in the collection are presented on the website Materials in the collection are accepted until July 15, 2021 from registered participants by e-mail: with the topic "In the conference materials"

Organizing committee contacts: WhatsApp + 7-906-778-55-55; e-mail:


Requirements for the materials for publication in the conference collection


Materials for publication in the conference collection are accepted from registered participants until July 15, 2021 by e-mail: with the topic "In the conference materials".

Articles of up to 5 pages (no more than 12,500 characters), including spaces, are accepted for publication for FREE.

The scientific collection of materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Inclusive Education and Society: Strategies, Practices, Resources" (Moscow, October 20–21, 2021) will be placed in the RSCI database.

  1. Materials are submitted in electronic form (in Word 7.0 or later format) to the e-mail address of the Red Council (text - 1.5 spacing, font size - 14, no indentation, except for bibliography, annotations and keywords - 12; transfers to text, including automatic ones, are not allowed, text alignment to the width). Pictures, diagrams, tables and photographs in the publication are FORBIDDEN! After the main text, there is a list of references (font height - 12) in ALPHABETIC ORDER, WITH CROSS-NUMBERING. References in the text to the corresponding source are made in square brackets, for example: [2], [3, p. 56], where 2 and 3 are the number of the source in the "List of References" and 56 is the page number of the cited source.

The article may not have a bibliography. The list indicates only the cited literature (sources, including electronic ones) or literature to which there are references in the text of the article (first the literature in Russian is listed, then in foreign). Bibliographic references are made in accordance with the latest GOST R 7.0.100-2018:!_ORS/5-PROFESSIONALAM/7_sibid/%D0%93%D0%9E%D0%A1%D0 % A2_% D0% A0_7_0_100_2018_1204.pdf

  1. Previously published materials will not be accepted for consideration.
  2. The article must contain:
  3. a) full surname, first name and patronymic, position, place of work (without abbreviations), academic degree, academic title in Russian and English;
  4. b) the title of the article with translation into English;
  5. c) annotation in Russian and English;
  6. e) keywords from the text of the article;
  7. e) business address or e-mail address;
  8. g) contact phone number (for the Editorial Board).

The data provided in accordance with clause 3 will be posted in the RSCI.

  1. The materials provided must be relevant, have novelty, contain a task, describe the research results, comply with the current legislation and have a conclusion.
  2. We ask the authors to carefully check before sending the general spelling of the materials, as well as the correct spelling of the relevant terms, adherence to the rules of scientific citation and the availability of the necessary information.

All articles are reviewed. For the accuracy of the information specified in the article, the authors bear legal and other responsibility. The article is published in the author's edition, so it must be carefully prepared. All materials are checked using the Antiplagiat system. The work must be 65-70% unique and higher - for a printed collection and placement in the RSCI system! If the percentage is lower, then the article is published only in electronic format!

Materials that do not meet the requirements specified in this announcement will not be accepted for consideration and review.





Sample article:




Samsonova Elena Valentinovna,

 PhD in Psychology, Head of the Scientific and Methodological Center of the Institute for Inclusive Education Problems of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education; Moscow, Russia


Shemanov Alexey Yurievich,

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Special Psychology and Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Clinical and Special Psychology, Leading Researcher of the Scientific and Methodological Center of the Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University; Moscow, Russia


The article discusses methodological approaches and technologies for organizing joint activities of students with different educational needs as the foundation for the formation of inclusive communities and the basis for the development of such competencies of the 21st century as cooperativity and communication.

Keywords: inclusive communities, educational technologies, joint activities, various educational needs, competencies of the XXI century.


At the present stage of the development of education in Russia, inclusive education, as a new concept at the beginning of the century, entered the normative field and began to be widely used in practice. However, until now this concept is interpreted ambiguously, which leads to a distortion of its perception, and, consequently, a distortion of its implementation in practice. [Text ...] First of all, let's clarify the concepts that will be used by us.

We call an inclusive community a community in which its members are not only close, but are included in joint activities as they are significant for each other and for the intended result of the activities of the subjects. To be a subject of activity for an individual means to have a significant for him and experienced by the individual himself interest in her jointly desired result (and, accordingly, to bear his own measure of responsibility for him).

By inclusion, we mean the provision of conditions for full-fledged learning and participation in school life for all of its participants. For the implementation of the principles of inclusive education, practices and technologies that contribute to the formation of interaction in the study group, when children learn not just side by side, but together […], are becoming especially important. entering into productive interaction in the process of solving educational problems with positive dynamics of sociometric statuses of group members.




  1. Ershova AP Gamefication technologies in modern school // On the way to a new school. 2004. No. 1. P. 65–67.
  2. Popova N.T. Culturological approach to inclusion in the practice of education // Psychological and pedagogical foundations of inclusive education: col. monograph / otv. ed. S.V. Alekhina M .: MGPPU; LLC "Buki Vedi", 2013. P. 38–51.
  3. Gomez, A. The effects of makerspace learning on the social interactions among students with emotional or behavioral disorder: Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Faculty of the University of Texas at San Antonio in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching. 2019.
  4. Janson, U. Interaction and Quality in Inclusive Preschool Social Play between Blind and Sighted Children. Interaction and Quality: Report of the CIDREE Collaborative Project on Early Childhood Education. Dundee / Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum, CCC. 1997. P. 30–42.